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CPD Programs (List View)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 44

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (Two-Day Online Workshop)

Universal Design for Libraries

Access and Collection Strategies

Leading High-Performance Teams

Introduction to Project Management for Libraries

Developing Library Partnerships

Change Management in Libraries

Library Strategic Planning

Library Assessment

Project Management Fundamentals

Advanced Project Management

SUNY Business Intelligence Introductory Workshop - Student Data

SUNY Business Intelligence Introductory Workshop - Finance Data

SUNY Business Intelligence Advanced Workshop

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Online Student Supports Certificate Program Course 1: Foundations of the Online Student Support Role

Online Student Supports Certificate Program Course 2: Features of Best Practices for Online Student Supports

Online Student Supports Certificate Program Course 3: Student Supports Capstone: Evaluation and Assessment

Online Teaching Certificate Program Course 1: Getting Started with Online Instruction

Online Teaching Certificate Program Course 2: Interaction, student engagement, and teaching presence in online courses

Essential Communication Skills for Teaching

Learning Theories and Effective Teaching Practices

Evaluation and Assessment

Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning