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Guidelines for Poster Presentations

Following submission of your abstract, you will be informed as to whether you will be presenting a poster, oral talk, or a performance.

Poster presenters will have a one-hour time block to present their research poster. Presenters will share a brief overview of their research or creative work with conference attendees and engage in further conversation with those who stop by. Presenters will be assigned a designated session and poster board location. Binghamton University will provide easels, boards, and binder clips to mount their posters. Posters MUST measure 36” tall x 48” wide.

Preparing Posters

  • Microsoft PowerPoint is a commonly used program for designing research posters. When setting up your poster slide you will need to reset the document size to 36” tall x 48” wide (landscape).
  • Poster should be informative and graphically appealing.
  • Poster should include presenter name, co-authors, academic program, home university, faculty advisor(s), funding sources (if applicable), and project title.
  • You are strongly encouraged to work on drafts of the poster with your faculty advisor and get their approval before printing.

Preparing Your Presentation

  • Prepare a one to two minute overview of your work meant to initiate further conversation from attendees.
  • Prepare to answer questions about your work and engage in back and forth conversation with attendees.
  • Practice your presentation so it is concise, clear, evidenced, and effectively delivered.
  • Seek editorial assistance and a practice audience from peers and/or faculty advisor(s).

Day of the Conference

  • Check the program to confirm your presentation time and location, and plan on arriving ~15 minutes early to hang your poster.
  • Volunteers and signs will direct you to your specific location.
  • Present yourself well: dress business casual or business professional, wear your name tag, turn off cell phone or personal computer (or turn off volume).
  • Consider bringing business cards, resumes, or contact info to distribute to people interested in your work, including your name, home university, academic program, email and/or phone number, title of your poster and/or abstract of your project.
  • If during the abstract submission process, you indicated that you need a computer, you must bring your own fully charged laptop/tablet as the facility cannot provide power in the poster display area.
  • Be prepared to learn! This is an excellent opportunity to confidently share your hard work and humbly look forward to respectful questions and constructive feedback.
  • Good news: Being nervous does not hurt your credibility or authority. Have fun and enjoy!

    Guidance for students attending SURC at Binghamton University

    • Individual easels with 36”x48” boards will be provided for each poster presentation.
    • Binder clips will also be provided at each easel.
    • There will be four (4) distinct one-hour Poster Sessions (two in the morning and two in the afternoon) and presenters will be assigned and informed of their Session prior to arrival.spring
    • Poster Presenters will have a firm 15-minute take down/set up window between the end of one session and the beginning of the next session. For example, Poster Session A runs from 9:30 – 10:30 am, and Session B runs from 10:45 – 11:45 am.
    • Students only need to bring their poster…the rest is provided for their convenience and ease of travel.

    If you have questions, please contact

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