Library Leadership and Management Certificate

Sponsored by the SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD).
The SUNY Center for Professional Development and the SUNY Office of Library and Information Services have developed the framework for a Library Leadership and Management Certificate Program. Certificate participants will gain a foundation in management and leadership while also be given opportunities to apply this knowledge in library-specific contexts and areas.
“I learned a great deal of new information and was challenged to make changes in my work based on the course” – Past LMC Participant
Target Audience
The audience for this program includes entry level and mid-level library staff and librarians, as well as library chairs or directors. This is intended for all SUNY campuses, and participants outside SUNY are welcome. Library staff and librarians in all different areas such as public services, technical services, collections, administration, etc. are encouraged to participate.
Learning Objectives
- Use methodologies, approaches, and best practices to address problems and seize opportunities in multiple areas of libraries.
- Become stronger leaders with a grounding in library management in multiple areas.
- Improve their knowledge of management techniques and be able to apply these techniques to library-specific areas or issues.
- Increase awareness of leadership methods and be able to apply leadership tools to improve as a library leader and manager.
- Assess and reflect critically on their leadership skills, behaviors, and communication styles to continue to improve in these areas.
- Increase knowledge in communication methods and approaches with various groups, including supervisees, peers, internal and external stakeholders, and various groups.
- Develop a solid understanding of methods or models relating to coordinating work, leading teams, or developing strategies, and be able to assess what models will work best in specific situations.
Completion Requirements
Each course will have a final deliverable such as a project plan, presentation, case study, or reflection that must be completed. In addition to these end-of-course activities there are no completion requirements at the program level other than course completion. To complete the certificate, attendees must complete at least 3 courses.
“The feedback from all the instructors was very personalize and beneficial to my growth. I also enjoyed learning from my classmates and their projects. It was beneficial to hear from people at different institutions.” – Past LMC Participant
A Look at Each Course
Listed below is each course being offered within the program, and the details and descriptions for each.
Library Assessment
Course Description: This course is designed for librarians who wish to understand the process of using assessment to guide strategic planning. Topics will provide participants with the fundamental aspects of assessment, how to create and implement plans, and using assessment outcomes to make data informed decisions. Participants will engage with one another and the instructor via discussion prompts, readings, reflections, and exercises in application.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Familiarity with effective assessment practices
- Composition of assessment plans that include objectives, benchmarks, and outcomes
- Define strategies for using assessment-related outcomes
- Understanding of evaluation instruments that measure objectives
- Sustaining a culture of assessment
Universal Design for Libraries (CANCELED FOR FALL 2024)
Course Description: As libraries strive to be inclusive of and accessible to all members of their community, it is important that they explore approaches that go beyond the minimum requirements for accessibility and aim for creating spaces and services that are welcoming for all. Universal Design can provide a guide for this approach to inclusion. In this course, we will learn the principles of Universal Design and discuss how these principles can inform and improve libraries’ spaces and services. Participants who are currently working in libraries will have the option to tailor much of their coursework to their library.
Course Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Define Universal Design and understand its relationship to accessibility and inclusion
- Understand the implications of Universal Design for Learning in libraries
- Explain the benefits of adopting an approach grounded in Universal Design at their library
- Integrate the principles of Universal Design into workflows across multiple functions and services in their libraries
- Apply Universal Design principles to service, space, and digital design projects
Leading High-Performance Teams
Course Description: This course will explore what makes a team high-performing, and how library leaders can manage a team’s skills and efforts to maximize results. Through readings, discussion, and case-studies, participants will learn about motivation, communication, team dynamics, and the elements of a healthy and productive organizational culture.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Readings and Discussion about how to create and manage high performing teams.
- Identify strategies for motivating and managing individuals and teams.
- Identify and apply approaches to assessing and improving team performance.
Introduction to Project Management for Libraries
Course Description: This course examines fundamental project management concepts, activities related to project planning and methodology, and how project management can be applied to libraries. Through case studies and exercises, participants will learn how to manage resources, schedules, risks, and scope to produce a desired outcome.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will gain an understanding of Project Management fundamentals via readings/sharing experiences on Project Management
- Students will gain an understanding of how Project Management concepts and approaches can be applied within libraries
- Participants develop a project management plan for a project they’ve completed in the past or will work on in the future
Developing Academic Library Partnerships
Course Description: The library can further its outcomes and advocacy on the college or university campus by developing dynamic and accessible library programs and outreach activities that are both passive and active for library users. This course will focus on the ways that academic libraries can develop partnerships through outreach and leverage this work for library advocacy. We will examine how cross-campus collaboration demonstrates the library’s value in new and quantifiable ways and the importance of working with various departments to develop high-impact practices. Course activities will build in advocacy and assessment of program development, and how to align librarianship and the library with cross-campus initiatives. This class will also look at how to include campus mission and vision statements into your outreach and advocacy work, and directly address student and faculty needs in all types of disciplines.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Identify possible campus and community partners for outreach and advocacy and design and present a successful proposal.
- Explore approaches to outreach tied to institutional vision, mission, and objectives that incorporate EDI principles.
- Design outreach activities, events, and integrate them into ongoing library work.
- Integrate high-impact practices into library outreach activities.
- Create assessment tools.
- Identify and develop an outreach program for multiple synchronous partners that incorporates cross-campus collaboration
Materials for the course: A camera is required to complete a course assignment, within this course.
Change Management
Course Description: Change is inevitable within an organization, and this course prepares participants to help their team navigate change for a positive outcome. Topics include understanding and preparing for change, improving change-related communication, overcoming resistance to change, and navigating change within libraries.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Readings and Discussion about the impact of culture on change management and the importance of change within organizations
- Learn management and leadership strategies to support change and identify and support change agents
- Understand dimensions of change management in order to articulate needs and challenges to others
- Identify resistance to change and apply attraction strategies
- Apply methods for change management to change scenarios within an academic library
Library Strategic Planning
Course Description: This course introduces participants to the basics of strategic planning, various models of strategic plans, and the phases of planning through implementation, assessment, and renewal. Additional linked topics essential to effective planning include formal and lateral leadership roles, change management theory, strengths and opportunities (SOAR Analysis), risk assessment, and communication strategies.
Course Pedagogies and Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will gain or deepen their knowledge of strategic planning essentials and phases (preparation, strategizing, alignment, refinement, implementation, assessment, renewal) and knowledge of additional linked essential topics (leadership roles, change management, organizational analysis and risk assessment tools and communication strategies) through online modules with readings and samples.
- Participants will integrate new knowledge and considerations with their library’s current strategic planning phase or future strategic planning work through weekly facilitated discussions and practice activities.
- Participants will critique/analyze a sample library strategic plan in order to document and showcase their new knowledge.
Meet the Instructors

MaryAnn Stark
Joined SUNY Upstate Medical University in 2019 and is the Senior Employee & Organizational Development Strategist. In her role, MaryAnn customizes many learning opportunities and experiences that teach, motivate, and inspire growth in individuals and teams. MaryAnn is the creator and facilitator of a wide variety of training programs specializing in retreats, leadership development, strategic planning, teambuilding, culture analysis, organizational change, and succession planning.
Prior to joining Upstate, MaryAnn worked in Higher Education Administration primarily directing departments within Student Affairs at colleges and universities in NY, PA and MD and in Non-Profit Management serving as President & CEO for 12 years for a local organization. In addition, MaryAnn has served as a Leadership Strategist and Consultant for the SUNY SAIL Institute for several years.
MaryAnn received her Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Oswego, a Masters of Education from St. Lawrence University, and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Executive Human Resources Leadership from Cornell University. In addition, MaryAnn holds several advanced professional certifications and designations. She is a Certified Organizational Development Professional, EQ-I and EQ360 Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, Professional Coach, Workplace Mediator, Conflict Dynamics Profile Practitioner, and an Accredited Facilitator for the DiSC personality profile assessment, and for the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team curriculum.

Dr. Terra Jacobson
Dr. Terra B. Jacobson (Chicago, IL) has been the dean of the Learning Resource Center at Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills, IL) lib.morainevalley.edu since 2016 and has worked in community college libraries since 2009. She has a Ph.D. in Information Studies (Dominican University, IL), an M.S. in Information Science (Indiana University, Bloomington), and an M.S. in Library Science (Indiana University, Bloomington). Her current research examines the value of community college libraries.
Terra is the 2021 recipient of the Illinois Library Association’s Valerie J. Wilford Scholarship Grant for Library Education. She also received the ALA College Libraries Section Innovation in College Librarianship award in 2014. Terra participates locally with the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) DEI Taskforce and works extensively with the Network of Illinois Learning Resources in Community Colleges (NILRC). Additionally, she works nationally on the CJCLS Scholarly Research Committee. She is passionate about aligning the library with cross-campus initiatives, implementing high-impact practices in libraries, and how campus libraries can play a valuable role in achieving the broader campus mission and vision.

Carli Spina
Is an associate professor and the Head of Research & Instructional Services at the Gladys Marcus Library at SUNY’s Fashion Institute of Technology. Previously, she was the Head Librarian, Assessment and Outreach at the Boston College Libraries. Carli holds a J.D., an MLIS, and an M.Ed. She has extensive experience working on user experience, web design, and technology projects as well as serving as a coordinator for services to patrons with disabilities. She just completed a term on the leadership team for Core’s Access & Equity Section. She was also the inaugural chair of LITA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the leader of the ASCLA Library Services to People with Visual or Physical Disabilities that Prevent Them from Reading Standard Print Interest Group. She teaches classes and workshops for librarians, academic staff, and students on a range of topics, including accessibility and Universal Design.

Shannon Pritting
Is currently the Interim Director of the Office of Library and Information Services at SUNY. Shannon has been involved in many SUNY-wide initiatives and projects, including the transition of all SUNY to a shared library system in 2019. He has worked in a variety of roles as a librarian and administrator in SUNY. Shannon was instrumental in creating SUNY Library Services, which provides technology and other support services to SUNY libraries.
Shannon is a 4-time alumni of SUNY, earning a Bachelor’s in Politics and Writing from Potsdam, an MA in English from Oswego, an MS in Information and Design and Technology from SUNY Poly, and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management from Empire State College. Shannon also has an MLIS from Syracuse University, and is working on an MBA at Empire State College.

Johanna Lee
Johanna M. Lee joined SUNY in 2011 and is currently the Executive Director for the Learning Commons and Chair for Non-Academic Assessment at SUNY Canton. She recently served as co-chair of the Steering Committee for the College’s successful re-accreditation with Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in 2023.
Johanna has worked in assessment at the College since 2012. Her focus has been creating a culture of assessment for the non-academic areas that is sustainable, equitable, and meets the latest standards for accreditation and affiliation with MSCHE. In collaboration with the Director of Assessment (and current co-chair of SCoA), Johanna has created a model of non-academic assessment that parallels academic assessment by mapping goals to the mission of the institution. The work of the non-academic assessment committee was given commendations during the 2023 self-study visit by MSCHE.
In addition to her work in assessment, Johanna oversees library services, tutoring services, and the academic recovery program. She co-leads the professional development program for new faculty and professional staff and coordinates mentoring for professional staff. As leader of the Learning Commons, Johanna also coordinates with other student support services at the College to provide resources, support, and access to students as well as a supporting a culture of academic excellence and inquiry.
Johanna received a Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Cortland and a Master’s in Education from St. Lawrence University. She is currently enrolled in the teacher certification for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at Brown University.

Janetta Waterhouse
Janetta Waterhouse is the Associate Dean for Collections, Discovery, and Information Technology at Kansas State University. Prior to this, she served in director roles at University at Albany SUNY, West Virginia University, and University of Illinois at Springfield (UIS). She received an undergraduate degree in computer science, with a minor in mathematics, and a graduate degree in library and information science from The University of Iowa. She holds a second master’s degree in IT Management and Leadership from UIS, where she also completed a graduate certificate in Human Resource Management. She holds a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and specializes in providing effective management and leadership at the intersection of technology, people, and projects. Her research interests are in project leadership, library technology leadership, and change management.
Johanna has worked in assessment at the College since 2012. Her focus has been creating a culture of assessment for the non-academic areas that is sustainable, equitable, and meets the latest standards for accreditation and affiliation with MSCHE. In collaboration with the Director of Assessment (and current co-chair of SCoA), Johanna has created a model of non-academic assessment that parallels academic assessment by mapping goals to the mission of the institution. The work of the non-academic assessment committee was given commendations during the 2023 self-study visit by MSCHE.
In addition to her work in assessment, Johanna oversees library services, tutoring services, and the academic recovery program. She co-leads the professional development program for new faculty and professional staff and coordinates mentoring for professional staff. As leader of the Learning Commons, Johanna also coordinates with other student support services at the College to provide resources, support, and access to students as well as a supporting a culture of academic excellence and inquiry.
Johanna received a Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Cortland and a Master’s in Education from St. Lawrence University. She is currently enrolled in the teacher certification for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at Brown University.

Holly Heller-Ross
Serving as Librarian and WIT Founder, Holly researches, teaches, and assists students and faculty with information literacy, promotes the success and achievements of people identifying as women and their allies, and serves academic departments as a library liaison. A former Dean and CIO, Holly coordinated the Library & Information Technology Services (LITS) budget, strategic and operational planning, personnel, professional development, assessment, all library and technology support services and programs, and guided LITS alignment with campus and SUNY-wide missions though service on the Deans’ Cabinet and the President’s Executive Committee from 2012-2021. Her publications were selected for the Library Instruction Round Table’s (LIRT) list of top 20 instruction articles for 2004 and 2011. She received the SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Librarianship in 2000, a Fulbright Scholar Research Award in Cairo Egypt in 2007, the Plattsburgh S.A. William D. Laundry Special Service Award in 2014, and the Plattsburgh TRiO Upward Bound Alumnus of the Year award in 2017.
Course Pricing
CPD Member
$300 Per Course
Discounted course pricing when registering for three courses at one time
$260 per course
Non-CPD Member
$350 Per Course
Discounted course pricing when registering for three courses at one time
$310 per course
$400 Per Course
Discounted course pricing when registering for three courses at one time
$360 per course
How to Pay
Available payment methods are:
- Credit Card (Mastercard or Visa)
- Campus Check
- Journal Transfer
- CPD Points
FULL payment is required 30 days from the date of registration.
CPD Points: Check if your campus is a member. Prior approval is required. If points are denied, the registrant is responsible for the payment.
Journal Transfer (State Operated campuses only): An account number with authorizing signature for Journal Transfers is required within 48 hours. You must print and return the invoice that is included with the registration confirmation email.
“The coursework that I completed is what I am using right now on a large project. So it was the right content, at just the right time.” – Past LMC Participant
Course Dates: Register for Courses Here!
Library Assessment
Johanna Lee | October 1, 2024 – November 11, 2024 |
Universal Design for Libraries (COURSE CANCELED) | Carli Spina | October 8, 2024 – November 18, 2024 |
Leading High-Performance Teams | MaryAnn Stark | October 15, 2024 – November 18, 2024 |
Introduction to Project Management for Libraries | Shannon Pritting | January 7, 2025 – February 17, 2025 |
Developing Academic Library Partnerships | Terra Jacobson | January 7, 2025 – February 17, 2025 |
Change Management in Libraries | Janetta Waterhouse | February 11, 2025 – March 24, 2025 |
Library Strategic Planning | Holly Heller-Ross | March 18, 2025 – April 28, 2025 |