CIO Leadership Academy
Why Attend?
- Work with an experienced CIO mentor
- Personal 360 Leadership Skills Inventory Assessment Report
- Participation in virtual growth sessions throughout Spring 2023
- Develop and execute an applied learning project to advance you and your campus team
- Develop and refine executive presence skills
- Social learning and networking
Learning Objectives
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) Leadership Academy enables current and aspiring CIOs and IT leaders to strengthen their leadership ability by:
- Gaining new understanding of their personal leadership styles;
- Knowing when to use different leadership skills based on the situation;
- Being able to articulate a vision and turn the vision into implementation;
- Learning how to build and lead a team;
- Developing new collaboration skills;
- Refining their communication and executive presence skills; and
- Advancing their understanding of key issues confronting CIOs (e.g., information security, institutional data management and new data-enabled student success technologies).
Intended Audience
- New and aspiring chief information officers, chief digital information officers and information technology directors.
- Current IT Practitioners, directors/assistant directors, assistant CIOs or research directors with significant responsibility for information services, including information technology, computing, software support, information security, data infrastructure, library services and so forth.
- Those who provide the coordination and leadership for ensuring quality and success of information-related activities on their campuses.
- Additional job titles may include Analysts, Heads of Technology, Deputy CIOs, Dean of IT, AVPs, Information Security Officers, Project Managers, Systems or Network Administrators or Managers, Lab and Classroom Technicians, etc.
Instructional Philosophy
This cohort-based program moves participants through a journey of self-discovery, skill development and knowledge creation. A variety of pedagogical approaches are used to ensure that learners of all styles are able to engage in and contribute to the program. The program is largely interactive, using a variety of small group discussions, role-playing opportunities, simulations, leadership assessments, panel discussions and case studies all situated within the context in which the modern CIO/IT practitioner exists. The faculty for the program will be a combination of leadership development experts and experienced CIOs serving as mentors.
Apply your Learning & Advance Yourself as a Leader!
As part of the learning experience, participants will be expected to develop a plan to lead the implementation or development of an initiative, project or sub-project on their campus. Participants should come to the opening retreat with an idea for a project that they could move forward in a three- to 12-month time-frame. A planning framework will be provided and discussed during the opening retreat and participants will be expected to work on the development of the plan with pre-assigned learning groups during the duration of the meeting. Each participant will present their action plan as part of the capstone event. Plans should be developed by each individual in collaboration with other participant(s).
Opening Events
February 4 & 5
Networking Poster Session with Alumni
Off-site dinner
Day 1 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Day 2 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Office Hours with SUNY SAIL/NYSERNet
February 17, 2025
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Virtual Growth Session 1
February 27, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Wellness Session
March 13, 2025
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Office Hours with Your Mentor
March 17
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mid-semester Growth Session
Hosted at RPI including Quantum Computer Tour (optional but encouraged) Network with NYSERNet
Board members
Learning will be available via live link
March 27, 2025
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Virtual Growth Session 2
April 10, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Office Hours with your Mentor
April 14
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Virtual Growth Session 3
May 1, 2025
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Office Hours with your Mentor
May 5
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Capstone Event & Graduation
One day graduation event including presentation of applied learning projects
May 8, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
(In-person in Syracuse, Oswego Metro Center)

Simeon Ananou
Stony Brook, Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer

Kitty Bridges
New York University, Senior Advisor on Strategic Initiatives, NYU Information Technology

Lisa Kahle
SUNY Cortland, Academic Affairs, Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer Information Resources

Sean Moriarty
SUNY Oswego, Chief Technology Officer, development of a client-centered, robust and secure digital campus environment
Cost & Important Dates
Participant Cost
Nomination Process
Nominations will be accepted between October 16 through the end of the calendar year (12/31/2024). Leaders may nominate high-potential individuals from their institution, or interested participants may self-nominate. A review committee will consider nominations and accepted individuals will be sent a registration link in early 2024.
The registration deadline is January 24, 2024. Program begins February 1, 2024
SUNY CCIO will once again generously support the SAIL/NYSERNet CIO Leadership Academy with financial scholarships for SUNY participants. More details to come!
I liked that it wasn’t just one and done. It was a program that spanned several months and prompted you to continue your leadership journey. All to often we come back and lose our excitement. This allowed you to come back and continue with gentle prompting.
The last time I participated in a leadership session was 2007. I was able to see how I have changed and grown since then. The Capstone event – for many reasons – from hearing what my peers say about me via evaluations and the certificate presentation – filled me with a confidence I haven’t felt in a while. Our roles today are so FULL and there is SO much to do. Being able to take the time to focus on myself had an incredible impact on me and I look forward becoming a more confident leader.
The CIO Leadership Academy opened my mind and forced me to identify areas outside of my comfort zone. I met great people, learned so much, and valued my time with my mentor. It is an amazing program!
As a VERY new manager there was A LOT that I needed to learn and be exposed to and this program did a great job of covering many of the basics. The number of times we were together in person and virtually seemed just right; it didn’t impose too much on our duties and time yet kept us engaged and connected instead of just going to a one time conference and then back to our “real” work at our respective campuses. The SUNY360 – Leadership Skills Inventory was so helpful to me to see how other perceived me at the various levels. Not only was the content right on target for me, networking and meeting colleagues in the same (and similar) positions at other institutions was invaluable. The mentors did an amazing job of listening, offering advice and suggestions and sharing their expertise. All of the sessions were engaging and very informative. Thank you all for all your work in running this program and preparing us as leaders!
I loved hanging and living with folks in my own world.
The CIO Leadership Academy has helped me to rediscover my leadership voice!