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Mindful Leadership Fall 2024 Schedule

Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindful Communication

Mindful Leadership

September 10-October 7

This course will be offered asynchronously and is self-paced. Participants can complete the course on their own time and pace to allow for flexibility for working professionals.

Glenn Pichardo

This course is designed to provide an overview of the concepts, research and practices associated with mindfulness and meditation. Participants will learn the scientific, emotional, mental and physical benefits of mindfulness and meditation. Participants will also learn different types of meditation and mindful practices that they can incorporate in their life to reduce stress, promote inner peace, have better relationships and enjoy their lives more fully.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define mindfulness, meditation and mindfulness-based practices
  • Understand the importance and need for mindfulness
  • Learn practical steps to incorporate mindfulness into one’s professional and personal life
  • Practice mindfulness-based activities that are learned in the course
  • Learn various meditation techniques
  • Understand the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of mindfulness
  • Learn how mindfulness can be used to improve relationships
  • Learn techniques to be a mindful communicator

October 8-Novemeber 4

This course will be offered asynchronously and is self-paced. Participants can complete the course on their own time and pace to allow for flexibility for working professionals.

Dr. Kristen Blinne

This course will offer a practical, experiential, and theoretical introduction to mindful communication, exploring a range of communicative contexts and settings such as listening, intra and interpersonal communication, and intercultural communication, as well as workplace, group, and leadership communication. As part of this course, participants will explore mindful communication not just by discussing a variety of practices, but also by actually experiencing it through personal practice with the goal of enhancing listening, empathy, compassion, attention/awareness, critical and creative thinking, and cultural engagement.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain increased understanding of mindful communication theories and practices.
  • Learn techniques to increase mindful awareness in daily communicative activities.
  • Apply mindful communication techniques within a variety of interactional contexts and settings.

November 5-December 2

This course will be offered asynchronously and is self-paced. Participants can complete the course on their own time and pace to allow for flexibility for working professionals.

Dr. Lisa Napora 

This course is designed to illuminate the important role mindfulness plays in leadership development today. Participants will learn how mindfulness can create positive organizational change, improve teamwork, increase resiliency, reduce stress and bring clarity to decision making processes – even during times of crisis. Together, we will embark on an inner journey of self-inquiry, exploration, observation, and reflection to gain deeper insights into our leadership capacities, values, inner challenges and goals. Participants will gain practical tools and knowledge applicable in both their personal and professional lives.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the neuroscience behind why mindful leadership delivers a return on investment
  • Learn to lead with greater ease, focus, clarity, creativity and compassion
  • Understand the relationship between mindfulness, compassion, empathy and burnout, and establish best practices
  • Gain practical skills to better manage yourself and your team when navigating uncertainty and change
  • Increase personal, team and organizational resiliency amidst a shifting higher education and world context
  • Explore the relationship between mindfulness, organizational effectiveness and culture change

Dr. Glenn Pichardo

SAIL Leadership Specialist

Dr. Kristen Blinne

Associate Professor, Communication Studies, SUNY College at Oneonta 

Dr. Lisa Napora

Co-Founder and Director of The Mindfulness Alliance

Phone: 315-214-2440